Monday, October 9, 2017

October 9-13

Here is the link to the October lunch menu*
*Oct 11th is Cheeseburger not Crispy Chicken Patty
*Oct 16th is Chicken Nuggets not Cheeseburger
*Oct. 19 is Mini Turkey Corn Dogs not Chicken Alfredo

If you are able to donate extra snack for the days when someone doesn't have one, we would appreciate it! Our healthy snack keeps our brains ready for learning:)
Don't forget to send back your child's permission slip for our field trip!

Upcoming Events: 
October 17: Grandparents, Games, and Goodies Family Night
October 17: Field trip to Heckrodt Wetland Reserve-Don't forget to send back your permission slip!

Reading: As the Kindergartners work toward more conventional reading, we will be working on learning "snap words", or words that appear frequently in books but are not easily sounded out. Our current snap words are I, is, and, the, & a. Another strategy for beginning readers is to look at the picture, think about what would make sense, and then read! If you have any pattern books at home, give your child the pattern on the first page and then watch as they use the pictures to read the rest! 

Writing: I will be sending home work from the last writing unit. If you are able, look through it with your child. They worked really hard! We begin a new writing unit this week and I believe it will be extremely exciting for the kiddos! The writing unit is called Looking Closely: Observing, Labeling, Listing. Students will learn that writers are like scientists because they look closely at what they are writing about. We will be taking nature walks, gathering items, and writing about what we find. Using Fall objects will be a great way to integrate science into our writing. Hopefully the weather corporates! 

 Math: In math, we will work on adding, subtracting and number order. Students will use pictures to tell addition and subtraction math stories. They might see a picture of three cars. They could say, “There were three cars. One drove away. How many are left?” Try doing these story problems at home too!

Social Studies: The students have been interviewing school helpers and creating books about each person we interview! It is great to visit the different offices in the school to learn about what our school helpers do. This week, the students will be writing and illustrating books about our school nurse, administrative assistant, and lunch helpers! It is exciting to see how things we are talking about in writing, such as speech bubbles, are transferring to the work we do throughout the day, especially in these books!

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Happy Summer!

Wow! Your Kindergarten student is now ready for first grade! It was a privilege to be able to work with you all!  In order to keep pre...