Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 22-26

It's celebrate New Directions week! I am so proud to be part of our school! THANK YOU for all you do to make it great. 

What’s happening in Kindergarten this week?

Reading: So far, the avid readers have been focusing on fiction texts. This week, we shift to working in nonficiton texts! Readers will watch a video on venus flytraps to start our nonfiction discussion. We will learn to use precise words while teaching about what they learned from a text and to share their findings with their partners. Readers often begin sharing about a text by using one of the following prompts:

  • I notice...
  • I think...
  • I wonder..
  • What do you think? 
  • Why do you think that? 
Over the last few weeks, I was able to assess each child's reading and determine their strengths, needs, and reading level. Some of the new books coming home may seem more challenging as students are just beginning to learn the strategies needed to tackle trickier words! If you have any questions, please let me know. I'd be happy to explain what your child is working on specifically as a reader. 

Writing: We had a minicelebration to wrap up one bend of our how to writing last week and their work was so incredible! These young writers worked so hard to add tips and suggestions, give detailed steps, and draw diagrams with labels on their pieces. Writers will continue to work on "writing with flow" to get even more books done. Here are some of the ways we figured out how to write with flow:

Math:  One way that mathematicians become more fluent in solving addition and subtraction equations is to study patterns. Last week, students explored +0 and -0 equations and discovered that it doesn't matter if you're adding or subtracting, when their is a 0, the number stays the same. Students practiced solving 0 equations quickly on a page with many addition and subtraction equations and by using flashcards. We will continue to look for patterns to strengthen our fluency! 

Science: Our tank is ready and we are anxiously awaiting the delivery of our zebra fish. Students will also create habitats for milkweed bugs! As we continue to learn more about animals and their habitats, students will create dioramas of a habitat for an animal of their choice. It is important for scientists to remember the 3 things animals need to survive while building these dioramas. Ask your child what the 3 things all animals need are! (water, food, and shelter)

Don't forget...January is a big month for our school!  There are many informational events taking place to help others learn more about New Directions.  Please share these dates with anyone you think may be interested in learning more about what a great place New Directions is for students to learn and grow!

Monday, January 22nd-10:00 AM-1:00 PM Open House for prospective families at New Directions

Thursday, February 1st-6:00-7:00 PM-Info Session at New Directions

Families can also call Mrs. Frischmann at 766-6116 to set up individual tours.

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